A Good First Impression Helps Sell Your House
Information for SellersIt can't be overstated; when it comes to buying a house, the first impression is everything. If you're selling or getting ready to sell in the coming months, one of the easiest and most dramatic ways to enhance that first impression is through paint.
Fresh paint makes your house look clean, bright, and inviting.
Painting your house's exterior and interior before you put it on the market give the biggest bang for your fix-up buck.
Agents agree that sellers shouldn't take curb appeal lightly, especially when so many buyers are doing their homework and looking at the exterior of houses before they even contact an agent.
If nothing else, paint at least the door, door frame, and foyer or first room the would-be buyers will see.
- Use fresh, neutral colors. If you're painting the exterior, make sure the color blends in with the neighborhood. Opt for whites, creams or neutrals. The PQI says these colors appeal to the greatest number of people.
- Whether you paint yourself or hire someone, make sure all the prep work is done, washing all dirt away, and patching and repairing any necessary areas on the surface before it is painted.
- Paint railings, window frames, trim, and other accents to freshen up the exterior.
- Promote any recent painting in your ads, flyers and online descriptions of your house. Homeowners and buyers place a high value on the painted appearance of a home. Include the date the paint job was completed and the quality of paint that was used.
Erica Fisher-Kador
Couture Realty
Ph: 225.207.5137Fax:225.239.2236
License # 995684627
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